
Shri Babulal Poonamchand Shah Vidhya Sankul
At & Po. Ta. Satlasana
Mehsana Gujarat

Shri Poonamchand Amrutlal Shah
Dr. Natubhai R. Patel
Mangament Desk :
This area is known as Gadhwada situated in satlasana taluka, Mehsana district.
It is known as remote backward Area in the field of education .
In 1996, we, the pioneers of the management made up our mind to set up a college in this area. It was the need of providing high education to the girls’ students because the nearest college was 25 km from Satlasana.
Financial assistance was the major problem. Although, the management was determined to set up a college.
As a result of it, 400 Donors from various fields of this area had donated 11000/- rupees to start a new college.
The draw was organized to select the name of the donor for the new starting college.
The new building of the college was built in 2003 and it was named after Smt. R. M. Prajapati Arts College, Satlasana.
The Vidyasankul was named after Shri Babulal Poonmachand Shah Vidyasankul because he had donated big donation to the new building of the college.
The Day by Day Progress of the College :
The college has completed two cycles of NAAC
This college has been awarded CPE status is 2012.
Under the head of RUSA, this college has been given 2 Crore.
In 2017, the new building of library was built by getting financial assistance from the Donor Shri Harshadbhai Mehta.
The newly built library had been given two names : Shri. Kishorbhai K. Kothari Library and Smt. Kiranben K. Kothari Reading Hall
Today, the institute is well – equipped with advanced facilities and progressing day by day.
Governing Body